Call: 207-467-8110 or Text: 207-205-3198
Adoptive families are so varied – traditional,
For information on additional families, please send us an email or call us at 207-467-8110.
Dear Expectant Mother,
We recognize that you are looking for an adoptive family that can provide the hopes and dreams you have for the life of your baby.
We are both very thankful that you are taking the time to view our profile and get to know us.
Dear birth mother,
Thank you for taking the time to get to know me a little better and trust me with your most precious gift. My journey of growing my family through adoption has just begun, but I want you to know your child will grow up in a house full of love and patience.
Dear Birth Mother,
We know that it’s impossible to convey what you need to hear in this format: that your child will be loved endlessly, and they will know a place in the world that’s full of peace and contentment with our family.
Dear Birthmother,
We understand you’ve been on a roller coaster so far, and we want you to know that we think you are brave, admirable, and strong. This is no easy task for anyone, so if you consider us as a family for your child, we would be extremely honored!
Dear Birthmother,
Thank you for taking the time to read about our family and getting to know us better. We know that you are making one of the toughest decisions of your life, and we want you to know that we understand and we want to be a part of this journey with you. We hope that getting to know about our family and the adventures we take will help make this a comfortable decision for you.
Dear Birth Mother,
It’s wonderful to meet you. We are so excited to be expanding our family through adoption. Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. Our families have known each other for decades – we are childhood friends who grew into something so much more. In addition to our immediate families, we have a large, extended, chosen family that has surrounded us with love and support our whole lives, and together as a couple over the last 10 years.
Dear Birth Mother,
Thank you for taking the opportunity to learn about us and read our story. We are thrilled about the potential opportunity to be selected as adoptive parents. We have been married for six years and homeowners for five and are ready to take the next step towards growing our family. We appreciate you taking the time to consider us as parents and support your decision.
Dear Birth Mother,
I know we have not met yet but I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering me as an adoptive parent. For as long as I can remember I have always wanted to be a mother. I strongly believe that becoming an adoptive parent will be the most important thing I do in my life.
Dear birth mother,
Nice to meet you. We are originally from Italy, we moved to the US years ago to pursue our dream careers as physicians. Ours was not always an easy journey: as much as we tried to plan our future, life proved to be unpredictable and sometimes landed us in uncharted territories. In those instances, we learned to trust our instinct and look for the next best option.
Dear Birthmother,
We are filled with joy to know that you’re taking the time to learn more about the two of us. We understand that you’re on a journey to find a loving family and hope that you choose to connect your path with ours. Thank you for considering us!
Dear Birth Mother,
So lovely to meet you, and thankful that you are reading this letter! We feel very honored to take care of your little one. We have had the privilege to both know and love each other and now we can share that love with your baby, too. It's a new and yet so exciting experience for us. We are eager to meet you, eager to know you, and eager to have this new connection in our lives through your baby.
Dear Birth Mother,
Thank you for taking the time to learn about our lives together and our dreams for the future. We appreciate the difficult decision you are making, and we want you to know that if you choose us to parent your child, they will enjoy a life full of love, support, and fun.
Dear Birthmother,
We’re grateful and honored that you would consider us for the placement of your child! Thank you for taking the time to get to know us. We are immensely excited for this next phase of our life and cannot wait to finally welcome a child into our family. We have been together for 8 years and are looking forward to growing our family with your help.
Dear Birth Mother,
Thank you for taking the time to learn about us. We know this is going to be the most precious gift someone can ever give us and we will forever be in that person’s debt. Without you, we would not have the chance to become a family, and thank you every day for your decision.
Dear Birth Mother,
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for considering me as a hopeful adopting parent. I have known that I was meant to adopt a child since the 7th grade, when I read the book, “Goodnight, Mr. Tom”.
Dear Birth Mother,
It is lovely to meet you, and we are so thankful that you are taking the time to get to know us! Adoption is near and dear to us. Lisa was adopted as a baby, loves her parents dearly, and has a close relationship with her own birth mother.
Dear Birth Momma,
Hi! What a strange way to start a letter! However, since we don’t know your name yet, we’ll have to begin this way. You are looking for a wonderful home and future for your child and we are looking to share our love and lives with a child in our family. Perhaps we are looking for each other? We understand that this may be a very difficult time, and we cannot even begin to understand the wide range of emotions that the adoption process is making you feel.
Hi Ladies,
We just wanted to express our gratitude one last time to each of you for your part in our adoption journey! There were definitely times over the last couple of years where we didn’t think we’d make it to finalization today, but we never gave up hope. All of your support has meant more than you know, especially during our time out of state and the few months following after bringing our baby home.
We are always happy to pay it forward. If you ever have a couple (especially same-sex couples) questioning if they will ever become parents, we are more than happy to speak with them and share our adoption journey with them. If we can help give hope to someone else, we’re more than happy to do that. We recommend your agency to anyone we know considering adoption!
M & S